But this "Yaboot Magic" with additional partition ext2 /boot (bootable
Flat) was also needed when installing
Squeeze or Wheezy , at least so it seemed here.
Automatic Partitioning would install,
but yaboot would complain I/O Error at booting sequence.
Am 12.10.17 um 10:38 schrieb Richard Kuenz:
Ah sorry, i actually installed Wheezy,
and it still was too slow for my needs -
i might upgrade RAM to 2 GB and see if this helps.
Would like to use Squeeze - but Debian got rid "cleared" of Iceape and
therefore at the moment Wheezy / Jessie seems better for browsing
especially if one likes to consume occasioally yYoutube content or so
,albeit slow.
Am 12.10.17 um 10:33 schrieb Rick Thomas:
On Oct 12, 2017, at 1:06 AM, Richard Kuenz <richard.ku...@web.de> wrote:
Thank you ver much Rick,
this helped me alot installing SID onto Powermac G4.
You’re welcome. Glad I could help!