Adrian and Milan, Thank you for the explanations. It’s much clearer to me now!
I did a couple of experiments today. 1) I did a test installation with manual partitioning using the 20170927 installer (Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 _Sid_ - Unofficial ppc64 NETINST 20170925-19:46). I created a 10MB bootstrap HFS partition and a 250MB /boot ext2 partition. It had no problem installing yaboot to the 10MB HFS partition, and no trouble booting from it using that yaboot. So we can say that it is possible to use an HFS partition as large as that with yaboot. Whether it works with grub2 is a question for another day. 2) I did an installation with Adrian’s latest install image (Debian GNU/Linux 9.0 _Sid_ - Unofficial ppc64 NETINST 20170930-18:36). I chose “guided - use whole disk with LVM”. As expected, it created a 1MB HFS bootstrap position and a 250MB /boot (ext2) partition. I chose a minimal system with ssh. All went well and it installed yaboot. I did not see a chance to install grub2 — is that expected? It rebooted fine using yaboot. So all is well on that front. Hope it helps! Rick