On Sep 26, 2017, at 6:47 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz 
<glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> On 09/26/2017 03:00 PM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
>> I'm still a bit undecided about the ext4 issue with Yaboot. I actually
>> would tend to always use the ext2 /boot partitions for all installations
>> and revert the work-around used for partman-ext3.
> Hmm, I just gave that a try and I still get the original error message
> about the corrupt filesystem because Yaboot tries to read in /etc/yaboot.conf
> from partition 3 which is the root partition with ext4.
> So, it seems that your original suggestion to just enable an ext2 /boot
> partition is not enough. Yaboot's configuration file also needs to
> be accessible on a non-ext4 partition.
> Adrian

Hmmm…  Are you sure it’s trying to read /etc/yaboot.conf (i.e. from the root 

My experience on the PowerMac G5 is different. When I manually create an ext2 
/boot partition what I see is this: The /boot directory does not contain a copy 
of yaboot.conf.  Changing /etc/yaboot.conf (e.g. to change the UUID of the root 
filesystem) but not running ybin (so the version of yaboot.conf in the 
bootloader HFS partition is not updated) does not have any effect on the boot 
process.  In order to see any effect, I have to run ybin, which updates the 
copy of yaboot.conf in the HFS bootloader partition.

Your POWER7 may be different, I suppose.  If so, the issue just got a lot more 


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