I had to give up on its wifi since firmware-linux-nonfree package was 
crashing my PB G4. I will stick for old fashion network cable for now. 

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 03:27:04PM +0000, kaleb white wrote:
>    I think so.
>    Sent from my personal Outlook.
>    --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    From: PhiLLip Pi <a...@zimage.com>
>    Sent: March 7, 2017 12:46 PM
>    To: debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org
>    Subject: Re: Is it possible to use a 2002 (Titanium) 15" PowerBook G4's
>    wifi with WPA2, PSK, AES, etc.?
>    On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 11:01:10AM -0500, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
>    > On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 02:32:55AM -0800, PhiLLip Pi wrote:
>    > > I know Mac OS Xes can't, but I wonder if this is the same issue with
>    > > Debian/Linux.
>    >
>    > Do you know which wifi chip it has?
>    >
>    > As far as I can tell from some searching, it is probably a
>    > broadcom 43xx chip.  If it is, then there is some hope, since I
>    > see someone at least got wpa2+psk with aes working apparantly:
>    >
> [1]http://ramblingfoo.blogspot.ca/2008/02/wpa2-psk-with-aes-on-broadcom-wlan0.html
>    [2]wpa2-psk with aes on a broadcom wlan0 (2.6.24)
>    ramblingfoo.blogspot.ca
>    Update: I managed to find out why the wpa_action stuff was needed. Please
>    ignore the lines written like this ; they are there just for refer...
>    Here is what I know based on my new Debian PPC v8's installation:
>    dmesg (full log in [3]http://pastebin.ca/3777025 ):
>    $ dmesg |grep airport
>    [   11.706958] airport 0.15 (Benjamin Herrenschmidt
>    <b...@kernel.crashing.org>)
>    [   11.707033] airport: Physical address 80030000
>    [   12.913489] airport 0.00030000:radio: Hardware identity
>    0005:0001:0001:0002
>    [   12.921204] airport 0.00030000:radio: Station identity 
>    001f:0001:0008:0046
>    [   12.928672] airport 0.00030000:radio: Firmware determined as
>    Lucent/Agere 8.70
>    [   13.135033] airport 0.00030000:radio: firmware: failed to load
>    agere_sta_fw.bin (-2)
>    [   13.143969] airport 0.00030000:radio: firmware: failed to load
>    agere_sta_fw.bin (-2)
>    [   13.151299] airport 0.00030000:radio: Hardware identity
>    0005:0001:0001:0002
>    [   13.158542] airport 0.00030000:radio: Station identity 
>    001f:0001:0008:0046
>    [   13.165525] airport 0.00030000:radio: Firmware determined as
>    Lucent/Agere 8.70
>    [   13.172456] airport 0.00030000:radio: Ad-hoc demo mode supported
>    [   13.179321] airport 0.00030000:radio: IEEE standard IBSS ad-hoc mode
>    supported
>    [   13.186201] airport 0.00030000:radio: WEP supported, 104-bit key
>    As you can see, it only goes up to WEP. No WPA2. I noticed it said
>    missing agere_sta_fw.bin firmware from
>    added "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian jessie main non-free" in my
>    /etc/apt/sources.list file. So, I rebooted and rechecked. Now, it
>    doesn't say it and shows WPA supported, but not WPA2 (better security)?
>    :(
>    >From uname -a command: ... 3.16.0-4-powerpc #1 Debian 3.16.39-1+deb8u1
>    (2017-02-22) ppc GNU/Linux
>    However, my LXDE and Xfce (have both installed) seem to crash while I
>    use them. Mouse cursor moves, but don't respond to my clicks. Keyboard
>    is frozen too.
>    I might need to uninstall firmware-linux-nonfree package since it was
>    fine before it. :(

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