On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 10:46:16AM -0800, PhiLLip Pi wrote:
> Here is what I know based on my new Debian PPC v8's installation:
> dmesg (full log in http://pastebin.ca/3777025 ):
> $ dmesg |grep airport
> [   11.706958] airport 0.15 (Benjamin Herrenschmidt 
> <b...@kernel.crashing.org>)
> [   11.707033] airport: Physical address 80030000
> [   12.913489] airport 0.00030000:radio: Hardware identity 0005:0001:0001:0002
> [   12.921204] airport 0.00030000:radio: Station identity  001f:0001:0008:0046
> [   12.928672] airport 0.00030000:radio: Firmware determined as Lucent/Agere 
> 8.70
> [   13.135033] airport 0.00030000:radio: firmware: failed to load 
> agere_sta_fw.bin (-2)
> [   13.143969] airport 0.00030000:radio: firmware: failed to load 
> agere_sta_fw.bin (-2)
> [   13.151299] airport 0.00030000:radio: Hardware identity 0005:0001:0001:0002
> [   13.158542] airport 0.00030000:radio: Station identity  001f:0001:0008:0046
> [   13.165525] airport 0.00030000:radio: Firmware determined as Lucent/Agere 
> 8.70
> [   13.172456] airport 0.00030000:radio: Ad-hoc demo mode supported
> [   13.179321] airport 0.00030000:radio: IEEE standard IBSS ad-hoc mode 
> supported
> [   13.186201] airport 0.00030000:radio: WEP supported, 104-bit key
> As you can see, it only goes up to WEP. No WPA2. I noticed it said 
> missing agere_sta_fw.bin firmware from 
> added "http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian jessie main non-free" in my 
> /etc/apt/sources.list file. So, I rebooted and rechecked. Now, it 
> doesn't say it and shows WPA supported, but not WPA2 (better security)? 
> :(

The orinoco does not do WPA2 from what I can find.  WPA is the best it
can do.

Apparently 15" titanium powerbook 2002 is much too vague to determine
the machine in question.  That covers about 5 or 6 different models
it seems.  Some with orinoco, some with b43, and perhaps even some with
something else.

Seems the b43xx based models are b/g and WPA2 capable, while the orinoco
based ones are b only with WPA at best.

Len Sorensen

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