Michel Dänzer wrote:
AFAICT Option "Noaccel" completely disables hardware acceleration.
Together with Option "shadow_fb", it should operate more or less the
same way the fbdev driver does. If you're still seeing a difference in
performance between the two drivers, having a more detailed description
of the difference and seeing the full Xorg log files corresponding to
both cases would be interesting.
well - i Idsabled things to avoid some bugs I do not remember :)
Currently my working setup is:
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Driver "ati"
Option "ForcePCIMode" "True"
Option "EXANoComposite" "True"
Option "NoAccel" "True"
Option "ShadowFB" "True"
I just tried removing the "NoAccel" line and things seem to work fine. I
seem to recall two ugly bugs in ATI
- 16bit color issues (yes the interna display should run as such to be
accelerated, but then it advertises wrong modes which confuse GNUstep),
I force it to 24bit
- bad font displays with cairo and freetype
Removing also EXANoComposite seems fine too.
Maybe some bugs were fixes. I keep it that way and test further and I
left in old workarounds.
To further test stuff, I installed the fbdev driver and indeed it
"works" and it isn't so much slower (in the sense that it is slow, but
the ATI became slow too). Moving windows is slower, but just a teeny bit.
Then I tried on the 4.9 kernel the fbdev framebuffer and it works.
So.. well the best way would be still get of course current kernel with
as much as ATI accel back! I will investigate 4.8 today.