All the applets are not written this way. I modeled it after the Bluetooth 
applet which is amazingly simple compared to the other ones, like the standard 
battery applet, which implements a special interface and provides several 
configuration files that are placed in particular places in the file system, 
then it has to be started by a Gnome component (the panel, the session or the 
shell). I built some test applets that way and I had a hard time getting them 
configured properly and then getting them to run to test them. Most of the 
applets are like that and are unnecessarily complex compared to the Bluetooth 
applet, which is easy.

As Herminio pointed out, all I really had to do was run the pmu_battery kernel 
module to get the standard battery applet to work. That does seem to be working 
for me now. I did search for information about how to get the standard battery 
applet to work originally but I didn't find it. I didn't know about 
pmu_battery. So I wrote my own applet. And even though it maybe wasn't 
necessary, I learned a lot and that was worth it. Anyway, my applet is better 
in that my Gtk3 icon displays more granular information, so that you can see 
more accurately what the state of the battery is. Also, the design/code for 
mine is better because it follows the Bluetooth applet design.

I think I'll continue with this and merge in your code. I also had plans for a 
feature that would allow you to install different icon themes, which would just 
be different set of xpm files installed in the correct place.

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "" <>; Bill 
Chatfield <>
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: Mac/PMU Gnome 3 Battery Applet

On 08 April 2015 at 20:03 Bill Chatfield <> wrote:
> Yes, I will compile it. Thanks! I actually have a C version for Gtk3/Gnome3 at
> But it is a bit different and
> does not include some of the code you translated, which will be useful. The
> main difference is that the Gnome3 version has different icons, which are more
> visible on a black background, as Gnome3 comes in black only.
>     Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it
>is black. -- Henry Ford
> It looks like I could merge them all into one version which could build for
> Gtk2 or Gtk3, with the appropriate icons.

Hi Bill,

I just had a look at your GTK3 version and it would be quite neat if the GTK2
one was merged into it. Interesting to see how a panel icon applet is written!



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