Yes, I will compile it. Thanks! I actually have a C version for Gtk3/Gnome3 at But it is a bit different and 
does not include some of the code you translated, which will be useful. The 
main difference is that the Gnome3 version has different icons, which are more 
visible on a black background, as Gnome3 comes in black only.
    Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it 
is black. -- Henry Ford

It looks like I could merge them all into one version which could build for 
Gtk2 or Gtk3, with the appropriate icons.

----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
To: "" <>; Bill 
Chatfield <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Mac/PMU Gnome 3 Battery Applet

On 08 April 2015 at 16:10 Bill Chatfield <> wrote:

> Here is a gtk2 version that works with Mate:
> I guess a better solution would be to add PMU support to the existing
> Gnome/Mate battery applets. But, I still need to figure out how to check out
> the right code (deb source or upstream) and then submit patches.

Hi Bill,

Attached is a version ported to C. I can't test as I don't have a PowerPC
machine that has a battery. Could you compile it (instructions in the comment at
the top of the file), run it, and let me know if you encounter any problems?



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