>>>>> "Kyle" == Kyle Moffett <kyle.d.moff...@boeing.com> writes:

> On Jul 01, 2011, at 16:17, David Kuehling wrote:
>> "Kyle" == Kyle Moffett <kyle.d.moff...@boeing.com> writes:
>>>> 1. Nowadays some required packages depend on the metapackage
>>>> 'multiarch-support' (e.g. 'libselinux1').  However
>>>> 'multiarch-support' is only provided by newer eglibc packages, not
>>>> by the eglibc package currently found in the powerpcspe archive (in
>>>> suite 'unreleased')
> I would try to forward-port the eglibc patches from the "unreleased"
> repo to the latest sid version and file new bugs (or update existing
> ones and pester the maintainers).

Looks like this part is rather trivial.  You still have 2 short patches,
both of which have not gone to eglibc upstream nor into debian sid (as
far as I can see, eglibc.org is currently down).

I'll file bug reports and send you the fixed source package, once it's

>>>> 2. Some packages depend on metapackage perlapi-5.10.1
>>>> (e.g. libtext-iconv-perl).  But only perlapi-5.12.3 is provided by
>>>> package 'perl-base'.  
>>> Yeah, that's a classic Debian package archive "transition".  The
>>> version of the Perl API that a given binary Perl module depends on
>>> is based on what version of Perl was installed when the package was
>>> built.
>>> Since our buildds have not really been actively maintained, we have
>>> not been keeping track of those transitions and proactively
>>> upgrading the packages like Perl to the newer versions.
>> So that means the problem is as good as fixed?

> I wouldn't say it's "fixed".  What needs to happen is the buildds (the
> only one of which is running right now is Sebastian's) need to get
> upgraded with the new Perl, then all of the affected packages need to
> be binNMUed by somebody with access to wanna-build on
> debian-ports.org.

> Each of the currently in-progress transitions has a status page here:
> http://release.debian.org/transitions/
> http://www.debian-ports.org/~iwamatsu/transition/

> If you're interested in working on it, you can probably ask the
> debian-ports.org admins (probably Aurelien Jarno, CCed) to give you
> wanna-build access so you can schedule those binNMUs yourself.
> Ideally you would just set up a buildd yourself and that way you could
> also keep an eye on the binNMUs that you are scheduling.

> Keep in mind that the wanna-build software is still a little raw from
> a UI perspective and not very well documented at all.

Ok this goes a little beyond my experience with Debian development.
Will take some time to figure out.  I'll start with setting up a buildd,
a little redundancy can't hurt.


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