>>>>> "Kyle" == Kyle Moffett <kyle.d.moff...@boeing.com> writes:

>> 1. Nowadays some required packages depend on the metapackage
>> 'multiarch-support' (e.g. 'libselinux1').  However
>> 'multiarch-support' is only provided by newer eglibc packages, not by
>> the eglibc package currently found in the powerpcspe archive (in
>> suite 'unreleased')

> That shouldn't be terribly hard to fix.  Really what needs to happen
> is for someone with an existing sbuild chroot to figure out which
> patches for those core dependencies are still missing from
> upstream/Debian and get them merged.

> It's on my To-Do list as soon as I finish porting to this X86
> hardware.

Currently I have 1-2 days/week for work related to powerpcspe.  I could
either use snapshot.debian.org to find the latest working state and
stick to that, or try to forward-port your eglibc patches to the latest
'sid' version, maybe filing a few bug-reports for inclusion of the
patches on the way.  Don't want to interfere with your TODO list (nor
with Sebastian's), so feel free to tell me to keep my hands off libc :)

>> 2. Some packages depend on metapackage perlapi-5.10.1
>> (e.g. libtext-iconv-perl).  But only perlapi-5.12.3 is provided by
>> package 'perl-base'.  The mistake is in the dependencies of packages
>> like 'libtext-iconv-perl'.  Looking here:
>> http://packages.debian.org/sid/libtext-iconv-perl
>> I see that although all architectures have a package
>> libtext-iconv-perl:1.7-2, the perlapi-* packages they depend on
>> differ.  On arch 'powerpcspe' the dependency is on perlapi-5.10.1,
>> while for 'powerpc' it's perlapi-5.12.3.  Maybe the dependency is
>> automatically determined at built-time and a simple rebuild is going
>> to fix it?

> Yeah, that's a classic Debian package archive "transition".  The
> version of the Perl API that a given binary Perl module depends on is
> based on what version of Perl was installed when the package was
> built.

> Since our buildds have not really been actively maintained, we have
> not been keeping track of those transitions and proactively upgrading
> the packages like Perl to the newer versions.

So that means the problem is as good as fixed?  

Thanks again for your quick reply.  Your and Sebastian's work on
powerpcspe is much appreciated.


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