I don't understand how you can ask
for help on how to use complicated tools just because you don't like the
easier one....

I believe that network management is only integrated to Gnome and XFCE and
knetwork management must be installed for use in KDE, I think it is used as
an applet for the desktop, while the use E16 is more limited. That would be
GNU / Linux if we are left with only a single way of doing things, the
variety is success. I am also very curious and I like seeing things under
the table! ;-)

 In my
experience, you'll need to force TKIP operation to prevent initial usage of
CCMP, which is not currently supported.

I am the network administrator, what type of security is better to works
with Debian GNU/Linux? Could change it WPE, WPA Personal AES or another.

Thanks for your answers, sorry for my bad english, I cant find active
listings in Spanish for Debian PowerPC.

In my blog I try to translate and documenting all about this port and my
experience. Thanks. =)

2009/2/9 Geoff Simmons <gsimm...@gsimmons.org>

> Hi Esteban,
> On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 12:51:29PM -0600, Esteban Monge wrote:
> > I try connect to WiFi network in my work. Have WPA Personal Security with
> > TKIP encryption.
> [snip]
> > My machine is a Ibook G3 800MHz with Airport Card.
> The original Apple AirPort Card uses a Hermes chipset, which is supported
> by
> the orinoco driver provided in mainline kernels.
> WPA support was introduced into this driver at kernel 2.6.28-rc1.  As your
> Debian Lenny system has 2.6.26, you're required to install a later kernel
> version.  Firmware (9.42 or later) is also required to be downloaded to the
> card to enable WPA operation.
> Driver and firmware installation procedures for Lenny are available from
> the
> Debian Wiki:
> http://wiki.debian.org/orinoco
> An example /etc/network/interfaces is shown, for use by wpa_supplicant.  In
> my
> experience, you'll need to force TKIP operation to prevent initial usage of
> CCMP, which is not currently supported.
> Geoff

Linux user number 478378
Linux machine number 386687
Tec. Esteban Monge Marín
Tel: (506) 8379-3562

"No habrá manera de desarrollarnos y salir de
la pobreza mientras los pocos negocios
grandes de nuestro medio se entreguen a las
economías foráneas y nosotros nos
quedemos con solo negocios de pobre,
mientras en vez de ser propietarios de nuestro
propio país nos convirtamos en un ejército de
empleados del exterior"
José Figueres Ferrer, 1952.

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