two ways I know to bless macos;

I have occassionally had to as maconlinux deblessed.
(by the way did you try starting mac os with that ?)

you have a macos boot cd, you need that .(even the
incomplete 9.2 upgrade cd that came w/ 10.1) boot
from that.

if in macos 9, look at the system folder
on your hd does it have a smiley icon. open
and close the folder, if not. if still not,
try removing the System file from the system folder
and dropping it on the closed system folder. or
put in an inner folder such as fonts, then move it
back. you can also move Finder but System is 

if in macos X (borrow a boot cd if you can find one
even 10.1 would do I think, sometimes you can buy
those for $5). use bless command in terminal.
i can't tell you the exact syntax right now but
if you have that way to go, let me know i can
look it up (I am mostly like working on a mac9/deb4
system myself or even mac8/deb4 but i have macX.2
using some...). careful though it may depend on
which version of macX you have it boot with.
(everything changes at X.3 panther which is why I 
quit them).

--- Norbert Lange-Schäfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I can't get the dualboot to work (again). 
> Bevor installing Debian 4.0 from the newest CDROM I
> had 
> Debian 3.1 and macos(9) and no Problems to choose at
> the boot-prompt.
> During the install yaboot only found the
> Linux-Partition. After the first
> reboot I added "macos=/dev/hda10" in yaboot.conf and
> updating with ybin -v
> I get:
> ybin: Finding OpenFirmware device path to
> `/dev/hda9'...
> ybin: Finding OpenFirmware device path to
> `/dev/hda10'...
> ybin: Installing first stage bootstrap
> /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot
> onto /dev/hda9...
> ybin: Installing primary bootstrap
> /usr/lib/yaboot/yaboot onto /dev/hda9...
> ybin: Installing /etc/yaboot.conf onto /dev/hda9...
> ybin: Setting attributes on ofboot...
> ybin: Setting attributes on yaboot...
> ybin: Setting attributes on yaboot.conf...
> ybin: Blessing /dev/hda9 with Holy Penguin Pee...
> ybin: Updating OpenFirmware boot-device variable in
> nvram...
> ... so ybin found the path to macos9
> a snip from parted now: 
>  9      791kB   2391kB  1601kB  hfs         
> untitled         boot
> 11      2391kB  6202MB  6199MB  ext3         deb40
> 12      6202MB  6808MB  606MB   linux-swap   swap   
>          swap
> 10      6808MB  9216MB  2408MB  hfs          Ohne
> Titel 2       
> On the bootscreen I see: l,m,c
> but selecting "m" I get a Floppy-Icon with blinking
> questionmark.
> So what went wrong?
> (I even tried with a Kubuntu-PPC, changing the
> Partition-order, setting on
> the hfs-partiton the boot flag - always Linux is
> fine, but no macos(9) )
> In the man-pages I found a hint to "bless"
> Partitionen, but no way to do it
> manualy.
> Any help preciated
> -- 
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