On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 06:22:27PM +0200, Wolfgang Pfeiffer wrote:
> >   * Mac model (ibook, g4, g5, etc)
> PowerBook G4, [5,8]
> >   * Mac keyboard (USB or not, country variant)
> internal keyboard, [DE]
> I made a picture:
> http://www.geocities.com/wolfgangpfeiffer/keyboard.PBook.g4-5.8.JPG
> [about 160 KB, and I got an hourly transfer limit of ~4,4 MB .. so you
> might want being quick if you want to see it .. :)]

Yeah, having a picture is really nice, thanks.
I forgot to mention that the layout of the bottom row (the one with the
space bar) is also pretty important.  For instance, my keyboard at
work is (as already shown in Yves-Alexis mail)
        | Ctrl | Logo | Alt |     space    | AltGr | Menu | Ctrl |
 keycodes  37    115    64          65        113     117    109

and my own laptop is
       | Ctrl | Fn | Logo | Alt |     space    | AltGr | Ctrl |
 keycodes 37   N/A    115   64         65         113     109

> Section "InputDevice"
>       Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
>       Driver          "kbd"
>       Option          "CoreKeyboard"
>       Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
>       Option          "XkbModel"      "macintosh"
>       Option          "XkbLayout"     "de"
> #     Option          "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"
>       Option          "XkbOptions"    "lv3:lwin_switch"
> EndSection
> Please note the comment at the "XkbVariant" line ..

Right, nodeadkeys Mac variants were broken, this has been fixed
in 0.8-10 and 0.8-10exp1 packages just uploaded.

> So I don't remember exactly how the keyboard worked without
> ~/.xmodmap. But the fact I wrote it could be taken as an indication
> that the ones shipped with the xorg/xkb packages were pretty,
> errr ..., let's say *inconvenient* for me .. :)

Sorry, I can do nothing with your xmodmap files at the moment, I need
to know what is broken so that it can get fixed.

> Besides: it seems an old annoying issue is still being around here:
> With your package as, IIRC, with the previous (from about half a year
> ago or so) xorg/xkb ones 2 keys are swapped here.

Yes, a new 'macbook' model is introduced in 0.8-10exp1.
I would like to understand which models have to set XkbModel to macbook
to determine whether it should replace current 'macintosh' or not.

> You mean /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz? I don't remember where I found
> it, but I'm rather sure it's not the one as provided by Debian. It's
> here:
> http://www.geocities.com/wolfgangpfeiffer/boottime.kmap.gz

Ok, thanks.


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