On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 04:05:39PM +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 15:50 +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > Salut,
> Sorry for non french readers, the original mail is in french.

Yes, I thought that you would not quote me ;)
And now I hava network problems at home, so I will reply to the list
via a webmail, sorry for breaking threads :(

Executive summary:
* xkb-data 0.8-9 has been uploaded into unstable with the following
  changes for Mac users:
  - debian/patches/mac_swap_kp.diff: New patch to swap KP_Delete and
    KP_Separator on Mac keyboards.
  - debian/patches/mac_nodeadkeys.diff:  New patch to fix nodeadkeys
    variants, they were badly broken.
  and 0.8-10 shortly followed to really fix Mac nodeadkeys variants.
  (It does not appear at http://incoming.debian.org/ though, I hope
  it will find its way there)
* xkb-data 0.8-10exp1 has been uploaded into experimental; it contains
  above changes and also:
  - debian/patches/macbook_keycodes.diff.diff: Add a new macbook model
    to swap <LSGT> and <TLDE> keycodes for recent Mac boxes.
  - Fix French modifiers
The latter package is available at http://people.debian.org/~barbier/tmp/
I would like to know which models have to set XkbModel to "macbook",
any information is welcome.

Back to your mail.
> > e tes mails sur debian-powerpc, je me suis rendu compte de quelques
> > oublis. Tout d'abord, j'ai merd symbols/macintosh_vndr/fr il faut enlever
> > les lignes comprises entre  Begin modifier mappings  et  End modifier
> > mappings
> Ok, I removed theses lines (commenting with // is ok ?)


> > Pour les modifiers, j'ai besoin de savoir si  -option lv3:rwin_switch
> > sur la ligne de commande de setxkbmap (aprs avoir fait la correction
> > ci-dessus) rsoud tes problmes.
> No, it doesnt fix the problem, I still don't have backslash, pipe etc
> with the left alt/apple key.

If you want the left key, you can pass
   -option lv3:lwin_switch
   -option lv3:lalt_switch

> I tried ISO_Level3_Shift and it acts as the Mode_Switch I had with my
> previous keymap. That is, I can access |\ etc... with this key + shift.
> This modifier works, and I guess it works like on pc keyboards with
> Altgr key. But I don't think it should be on right apple key, because in
> OSX it's the left apple key wich does this (or maybe both, but I guess
> people use the left one more often, and it can be useful to have one
> more modifier key)

At the moment I focus on fixing bugs so that users can select their
keyboard layout by editing xorg.conf instead of writing their own
xmodmap file.

In another message, you wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 16:05 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> > keycodes  37    64    115          65        116    108
> > name    Ctrl_L Alt_L Super_L     space ISO_Level3_Shift KP_Enter
> And as a side note, Super_L can't be binded to shortcuts in gtk (afaik),

It can, or at least if it cannot, Mac keyboards will be as broken as PC
keyboards ;)

> so I guess mode_switch was better (but I don't really know modifiers
> magic)

Well, let's first fix remaining bugs, we will then discuss advantages
of both methods


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