My apologies for cc'ing everyone my fast few posts; thanks for making me aware I was doing that...This message is just to let you know that, deadline or none, it's quite alright with me however long it takes for you to produce the miBoot solution.  In the meantime, I can continue using BootX -- not a real elegant solution, IMHO, but it works.

Still, I'm certain there are folks who appreciate the renewed development of miBoot as much as I do!  It would be wonderful to be able to boot without having to do so via an OS 9 partition.  Also -- and though I plan to install Debian on my system -- I'd like to be able to make an attempt at installing Xubuntu (or Ubuntu) once the miBoot solution (as planned) is available.  Using BootX has a few drawbacks, some of which can be quite serious with certain systems.

Harold J. Johnson

On 8/19/06, Aurélien GÉRÔME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Harold,

First things first, could you stop Cc'ing the bug-report
which goes to and just reply to Thanks, you will do me a favor. :)

Because we are (actually, I am) not welcome in debian-installer. I have
virtually (because I believe they can still say something technically
interesting aside bothering politics) killfiled 3 people already in
Debian (2 are from debian-installer). :(

On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 11:20:03AM -0700, Harold Johnson wrote:
> Does anyone know of an online tutorial, designed for laymen, on how to
> install and use miBoot?  I'm tech-savvy but somewhat obtuse when it comes to
> compiling and all that, but I can get through the task (which is kind of
> fun, actually) once I have enough of a starting point.  Unfortunately, I'm
> not finding that starting point.

Unfortunately, you will not find anything yet. We are still at a
reverse-engineering stage. More to come these weeks, I promise. :)

> Here are some of the resources I've gathered on installing/using miBoot.
> There's the debootloaders index pointed to previously in this thread:
> A HOWTO document there appears to be very thorough, for those who know a
> thing or two about compiling/building software.  Again, I'd gladly follow
> this process, if I even knew where to begin.  I've performed a "make" and a
> "./configure" and a "make install" before, but only by following
> step-by-step instructions for building relatively simple pieces of software.

It was quickly written by Piotr and it is not usable
as-is. It explains why it is not in SVN yet. You can read
the miBoot list archives to understand the situation better at
and of course subscribe. I am working on Debian ready cross-compilers
packages for the miBoot package build-dependencies.

> I booted from the CD image I downloaded from the following location:
> The image I selected was "miBoot image, Linux kernel 2.4.27 (incl. Debian
> Sarge installer)".  This is able to boot my PowerBook G3 "Wallstreet 2", but
> only for a few seconds before the menu goes kaput.  Examining the image more
> closely today, I've found that the CD is intended to boot NuBus PowerMacs;
> my PowerBook is an OldWorld, so it won't work for my machine.

Very interesting URL for Nubus, of course... I will look at it more

> Then there's the floppy images (also mentioned previously on this list),
> which I'm now going to try:
> Still, I have to figure out how to make the physical floppies out of these
> images.  That I'm sure I can figure out, but it's unclear to me whether they
> are intended to work for my particular setup (an OldWorld PowerBook G3
> "Wallstreet").

What you seek, I think, is how to produce those floppy images. If it is
the case, the code you seek is in the debian-installer SVN repository:
<>. The one the d-i folks do not want
me to touch, even if I am part of the new miBoot developers team... It
is their win and my loss, I cannot help it. ;)

> Again, my purpose in this message is to inquire about some generally
> easy-to-follow documentation any of you may know of regarding how to install
> and use miBoot, so that I may then install and use Debian on my OldWorld
> PowerBook.  I've searched the web using a variety of search engines, and
> though there is certainly some information out there, much of the resources
> I've stumbled onto are difficult for the non-programmer to understand.  I
> would be willing to compose a layman's version of the steps required to get
> miBoot going, but I need to first understand how to install and use it
> myself.

I understand perfectly what you want as it is our purpose, but it is
not possible for now. :)

Thanks for your support, it is really appreciated.

.''`.   Aurélien GÉRÔME
: :'  :
`. `'`   Free Software Developer
  `-     Unix Sys & Net Admin

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