
There are vague references to power port of Xen in various online media.

One of the comments to this LJ article claims to from someone at IBM working on a PowerPC port:

This IBM presentaion states the current Xen port target is the "Power 970 with hypervisor support":

This XenSource press release says the PowerPC port of Xen is close to completion:

I really some of this porting effort produces something that is G4 friendly.


Rich Johnson wrote On 12/04/06 03:05 AM,:

Anyone know when we'll see xen (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/ misc/xen) or equivalent on the powerpc architecture?

Or if there's an OS X solution that'll host a Debian virtual machine.

I'm getting tired of dual-booting (it kills processes).  I'd much  prefer context switching between OSX and Debian.



Aaron Kerr
Engagement Architect
Sun Microsystems

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