On Thu, 1 Dec 2005, Gerhard Pircher wrote:

Did you have other unreleased patches, too? Anyway it would be good, if you
could comment on these patches, as I'm just beginning to understand how the
Linux kernel works. Therefore I really appreciate any help!
About the inadequate cooling: I have mounted a proper cooler on my CPU card
(a Athlon XP 2.2GHz cooler), but I experienced build errors during compiling
the Linux kernel, so IMHO there are other things wrong too (don't know how
to track down this problem :-( ).

No, my supply of patches for the A1 is all out there - I was playing with something shortly before my machine died, but it didn't seem to help. Unfortunately, the hardware is almost designed not to be properly cooled (no safe/sane way to mount a conventional bigger cooler), and my impression is that you can easily fit a cooler so that it isn't in proper contact with the processor. That's ignoring different opinions about voltage settings. It also seems to be excessively choosy about memory chips.

But then, I've never understood many of the details. My only comment on your patches is that you make some allowance for highmem - my impression was that the memory mapping probably did NOT easily support highmem (I get confused between physical and virtual addresses, but the defaults in arch-ppc seemed to conflict with where the A1 had its i/o), and therefore I'm puzzled if you have tested this option ?

I think you understand a lot more about this than I ever did, and you are obviously in contact with somebody on the os4 side who is likely to understand the hardware, or at least have whatever docs there are. My "expertise" was primarily in reading the 2.5 patches to see what had changed, and in testing workarounds.

  The authorship of the original 2.4 patches is vague - I
think Ross told me that his work was mostly admin (apart
from the floppy code), most of it seems to have come from
the Friedens or Bill Mueller, although clearly based on
other 2.4 ppc code.
That's right. I think most of the code came from the "Frieden brothers".
AFAIK the only things Bill M?ller was working on, were the AGPGART and a
patch for the IDE driver.
Atleast I could port the floppy driver code, which is just a  copy of the
i386 floppy driver.

You mean people do still use floppies ? I remember somebody with a pegasos posted a patch a few months ago on ppc-dev, but I don't remember the outcome.

 das eine Mal als Trag?die, das andere Mal als Farce

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