
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 08:34:11AM +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> Can you be more precise ? What is not "working" with the existing code ?

I did not try 2.6.15, but with earlier kernels pressing "fn" was noticed
neither by xev under X11 nor by showkeys on the console.  Therefore you
cannot map fn+something combinationsto anything useful, neither under X11
nor on the console.

On PowerBooks the usual combinations to get pageup, pagedown
etc. involve the fn-key and thus you have to do either without pageup,
pagedown, home and end keys, or at least use key combinations which
are different from the MacOS ones.  Using, let's say, mutt under these
conditions can be quite a challenge.

I hope this helps,

PS.: To answer the question you did not ask: the thing which is
"working" is (according to rumours, see the list archives), that with
an unpatched kernel and some super-secret (not yet in CVS?) versions
of Xorg you seemingly can get keyboard events from the fn-key under

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