On 20.11 2005, Benjamin Herrenschmidt outgrape:

On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 23:42 +0000, Jochen Voss wrote:
> > Hello Benjamin,
> > 
> > On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 10:23:53AM +1100, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> > > On the other hand, "Fn" is handled in hardware for ADB keyboards and by
> > > the kernel (simulating hardware) afaik, in OS X, and I suspect it might
> > > be a good idea to do the same, that is, have a translation map of the HW
> > > keycodes when Fn is pressed in the kernel driver.
> > Why would this be a good idea?
> > 
> > Disadvantage: Not passing fn-key presses to the X-server would prevent
> > users from having their own mappings for fn-something combinations.
> 1) you could still pass it down
> 2) While the ability to customize mappings in weird ways is cool for
> 0.1% of users who are "l33t", it's imho totally useless if the remaining
> 99.9% of users end up by default with a non-working map

I wonder if my problems remapping the Caps Lock key have something to
do with this issue.  I've remapped keycode 58 to Control_L for the
console, but this has little effect.  Caps Lock is nullified, but the
key doesn't function as Control_L.  Nevertheless, showkey and evdebug
show key 58 getting pressed and released.  It's a similar story for
xorg & mol.  Various tools tell me Key 58 is getting pressed, but
Linux can't seem to do what it should with those keypresses.  Other
key remappings work fine, and the OS X remapping also works.  This is
on the Powerbook 6,8 1.5GHz G4 12" with Canadian French ADB keyboard.


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