On 12.11.2005, Emmanuel Galatoulas outgrape:

> exactly the same here!!!!  i have got the very same model (Powerbook
> 6,8) since June and I have not been able to boot anything newer than
> 2.6.11. Even precompiled kernels do not boot and I very regret about
> that because I have not been able to boot the testing debian-installer
> isos.  Ubuntu kernels did not help either!
> i tried the IRC at an early stage but to no avail. It is really
> disappointing since without a compiled kernel I cannot use the patches
> to enable sound or the trackpad and so on and so on!
> any help or hints would be really great!!!

If you're willing to venture out on your own, you should be able to
get the appletouch driver and sound working.  They work quite well for
me despite the other problems I'm having.  For appletouch, download
the appletouch source, build, install in an appropriate place, and
then run "modprobe appletouch".  For sound, enable the drivers when
you configure your 2.6.11 kernel, and assuming things are set up
right, you should be able to hear sound.


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