On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 19:56 +0200, Emmanuel Galatoulas wrote:
> Guy Yasko wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >Linux kernels are still not booting on my 12" G4 1.5GHz Powerbook 6,8.
> >To recap the situation, the kernels I've tried to boot haven't gone
> >past "setup_arch:bootmem" since, which works fine.  2.6.12
> >through 2.6.15-rc1 do not.  I've been trying various .configs,
> >including those from people with the very same model who, oddly
> >enough, are running 2.6.1[2-5] kernels.  I've also tried precompiled,
> >kernels from the newer distribution CDs (gentoo 2005.1, slackintosh
> >10.2, and a debian kernel or two) but these also stop early in the
> >boot process. 


> exactly the same here!!!!
> i have got the very same model (Powerbook 6,8)
> since June and I have not been able to boot
> anything newer than 2.6.11. Even precompiled kernels do not boot
> and I very regret about that because  I have not been able to boot
> the testing debian-installer isos.
> Ubuntu kernels did not help either!

I'm surprised that nobody reported me that problem so far !

> i tried the IRC at an early stage but to no avail. It is really 
> disappointing
> since without a compiled kernel I cannot use the patches to
> enable sound or the trackpad and so on and so on!

Well, show up on #mklinux on irc.freenode.net and catch me (I'm in
Australia, so get the timezone right :) There are ways to debug that.


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