On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 11:51:26AM +0200, Ernest Demaret wrote:
> > and what do you patch ? The debian kernel sources ? the upstream 
> > sources ?  
> > Which version of them. 

> Debian kernel-source 2.4.27-10. What's an upstream source? 

upstream -> ftp.kernel.org :)

So, i guess Simon Horms broke the patch, oh well, will have a look once i have
some time.

> > > I found no sarge nubus-kernel at debian.org so there's not much 
> > > to try.  
> > > Any idea where to find it? I'd be glad to try and test a sarge  
> > > nubus-kernel.  
> > > 
> >  
> > apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.27-nubus  
> > 
> > Sure, you need a running system, and at least sarge apt sources, 
> > but hey. 
> The system runs allright. How do I know if my apt-sources are sarge? I 
> run a testing distribution. 

Testing is fine, it is currently etch, which is newer than sarge.

Just run the above, and try to use the kernel (which should be in
/boot/Mach\ kernel i think) or something.

> If I compile the 2.4.27-nubus kernel with sarge apt-sources I get a 
> 2.6.8 nubus-kernel? 

Last i knew, nubus kernels where 2.4 only, do you have a 2.6 nubus kernel ?


Sven Luthre

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