On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 04:39:33PM +0200, Ernest Demaret wrote:
You know, that would probably be a violation of the kernel GPL you
the kernel without the sources and config file for it :)
Seriously, if we will add official debian support for the nubus
machines, we
need to be able to build such a kernel from the debian package.
Right now i
have a (rather old) patch to 2.4.27 from the nubus project, and a
configuration file which was suggested to me by someone from the
Please try it out, and if it fails, we can fix it or something, but
random binary kernel from some random place is hardly going to be
usefull in
the long run.
It was never my intention to violate the kernel GPL but I can't provide
I was just joking, i know perfectly well how you got the kernel and what that
situation is :)
sources nor the config because I've never seen them either and just
wanted to help somebody out... I have been trying to compile my own
nubus-patched kernel (with the same sources mentioned) but never
succeeded :-( I wanted to add MD support which was not compiled in the
kernel I use. If you can tell me where I can find the name of the
developer we'll both be happy.
Try :
apt-get source kernel-patch-powerpc-2.4.27
And look a bit into it. What would be of interest to you is the config/nubus
file or something such. You can disable the builds of the non-nubus configs in
the patch is taken from the nubus project, at sourceforge i think.
If you go working on that one, it would be great if you where to try it out
with the official kernel, so that futur debian/nubus users could profit from
it too.
I think the developer was Joel (?) Knight or someone such, and both the patch
and the config file are from him, so it is well possible that it will work. He
posted here at the start of the year or something.
That's something I already tried... I tried different patches (from different sources) but nothing seems to work.
My problem is that I can't get the kernel tree to be patched without lots of errors so a compile from that invalid patched tree won't give me a working kernel...
I've tried to find an already nubus-patched kernel tree but that doesn't seem to excist.
Is it possible to identify the developer of a kernel? He might be able to provide the tree from which my kernel is made of (which is stable as far as I've experienced).
Ernest Demaret