On Jan 2, 2005, at 12:30 PM, Jack Malmostoso wrote:
Ciao Igor Khavkine, nel tuo messaggio dicevi:
First are there viable alternatives to Apple computers
for a PowerPC desktop? Can I get decent hardward without
an OS for a reasonable price?
As for the first question, take a look here:
As for the second question: I think that stuff is definitely
Good hardware for sure, but overpriced: for sure it costs less than
an original iMac, but for that price you can buy an Athlon64 machine
overpowers in every way a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have got a Pegasos and I have to say its a great machine.
I'm very happy with it.
One thing that
comes to mind is that I may not be able to use windows
DLL's for video codecs.
Right. Stuff like mplayer codecs and flash player are forbidden.
You can use these files through wine and i386 emulation.
Well, the qemu project is growing fast, so it could take quite a little
time to see an emulation of i386 hardware on PPC.
But as for *now*, it is not the case.
Qemo works great!
I have a working windows 2000 installation on my Pegasos.
But unfortunately Win2k on pegasos is quite slow.
I've use it sometimes to test some websites with IE this worked okay
but for full time everyday usage its too slow.
Also, is there any emulation
software that I could use to run OS X apps under linux?
Mac-On-Linux. But it only makes sense if you have MacOS/MacOSX
(I don't know if you can install it via linux, but I think not): which
means you have an Apple machine and we go back to the start.
You can install Mac OS 9 and MAC OS X using MOL in Linux, this works
very nicely.
And you can install Linux on Linux as well using MOL. Great for testing.
The emulation of MOL is very fast.
MAC OS X feels the same speed on my Pegasos using MOL on Debian
as MAC OS feels on my G4 Powermac (1Gz).
And if you are a pervert like me, no, you *cannot* run windows in
virtualPC in OSX in Mac-On-Linux in linux. :)
But you can run Windows in Virtual PC on MAC OS 9 in MOL on Linux.
The older MacOS 9 versions of Virtual PC works together with MOL.
Or you simply use qemu to run Windows.