I'm thinking of getting a PowerPC box as my next
desktop and I have a few questions. Hopefully this
is the right place to ask.

First are there viable alternatives to Apple computers
for a PowerPC desktop? Can I get decent hardward without
an OS for a reasonable price?

Second, how much trouble am I asking for as opposed to
buying an Intel or AMD based machine? One thing that
comes to mind is that I may not be able to use windows
DLL's for video codecs. Some binary only, but useful,
applications are only avaiable for x86 (such as, Real
Player, Acroread, Maple, Mathematica). Anything else
I should be aware of? Also, is there any emulation
software that I could use to run OS X apps under linux?

Lastly, If I get a G5 PowerMac, will I be able to unstall
Debian on it (unstable is fine)? Is there any crucial
hardware that still doesn't have Linux drivers?

Thanks in advance.


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