
> Perhaps you don't load the module prism2_usb. You need to load it
> before you can use your netgear card.

Yes, of course. How can I install that module to load it?

> You can see my configuration thah I attach to this message. This
> scripts is what I use to enable my wireless-usb card (Dlink DWL-122) at
> boot time.

I'll take a look to the script.

> You need to have compiled two modules: prism2_usb and p80211. Then, you

So I need to compile something. How?

Thanks and best regards,

J.Manrique López  de la Fuente        (o-  /
Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         //\-/
http://www.asturlinux.org/~jsmanrique V_/_

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