Hello !
I try to use ALSA on my G3-266.

After recompilation of my kernel (2.6.8),with ALSA drivers as modules,
i did apt-get install alsa.

Then alsaconf - finds powermac - PowerMac sound card. It seems that
alsaconf did'nt put snd and snd-powermac in my /etc/modules, so I did it

After alsaconf, it tells me :
Running update-modules...
Loading driver...
Starting ALSA.../etc/init.d/alsa: Error: alsactl restore failed with
message 'ALSA lib control.c:654:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL hw:0
alsactl: set_controls:986: snd_ctl_open error: No such file or
Setting default volumes...


 Now ALSA is ready to use.
 For adjustment of volumes, use your favorite mixer.

 Have a lot of fun!

No fun :-(
I can't do alsamixer nor alsactl.

Any idea of something missing ?

Thanks in advance.


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