On Sun, Oct 31, 2004 at 10:48:54AM +0100, Jérôme Marant wrote: > > Non-free sucks. But non-free drivers is better than no driver at all.
Pretty much means they play ball and win. As long as they dont realize open standards and open specifications help them to sell more, non-free keeps on sucking as much as it has always sucked. IMNSHO. -- Jesus Climent info:www.pumuki.org Unix SysAdm|Linux User #66350|Debian Developer|2.4.27|Helsinki Finland GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429 7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69 Emily, I have a confession to make. I really am a horse doctor. But marry me, and I'll never look at another horse. --Dr. Hackenbush (A Day at the Races)