John Goerzen wrote:
> 1. Sleep mode.  According to [1], sleep doesn't work at all.  However,
>    others are not reporting any trouble with it (basically saying
>    everything except the Airport Extreme works fine).  Does sleep work
>    on this unit?

it looks like benh has just started work on this (see thread "Test patch
for sleep on Aluminium PowerBooks") and hopefully we will see this working

suspend to disk supposedly works... i am currently trying to get it set up
though, it will involve some messing around with kernel patches.

> 2. Video.  Not only are there conflicting stories (ranging from
>    "accelerated video will never be available on this unit" to
>    "dri trunk already supports it fine"), but I've even seen a thread
>    where people were debating whether the unit has NVidia or ATI
>    graphics.  What's the story here?

you should have 3D acceleration no problem (it works for me). framebuffer
support was only recently added to the 2.6kernel, i can't remember which
version exactly, but it works now.

> 3. The Airport Extreme.  Everybody agrees that it doesn't work now.
>    Some people are saying there are projects to reverse engineer it.
>    But I've never found any solid info on any of these projects.
>    Is there really any hope here, or should I just buy a USB
>    device and be done with it?  If I get a USB device, what do you
>    recommend?

i can't see this card ever being supported... get a USB one. i'd also be
keen to hear recommendations.

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