On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Guido Guenther wrote: > > > > I try to search in google but the only hint I found was to disable DRI. > > > > I try > > > > that but it still don't work. > > > > Has anyone any hint? > > > Try using offb instead of radeonfb. > > this also does not work on my Ibook G4, without radeonfb even my Console is > > unstable (flickers). > > > > PMdisk is working here, but after X resume the colors are broken. With or > > without DRI, there is no difference. > You can otherwise switch back an forth fine between X and console? So > switching to the console before suspend doesn't help, does it? Does > stopping/starting X after resume change anything? Did anybody of you try > a recent X?
using the normal xfree86 from unstable, kernel and dri disabled pmdisk works very well. it looks like the xfree dri-trunk packages are missig a patch for debian ppc and radeon cards. -- mfG Florian Reitmeir