On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 11:46:09AM -0700, Adam Done wrote:
> > I'm using (/etc/default/mouseemu):
> I installed the debian package mentioned earlier from the list in April
> and I do not have an /etc/default/mouseemu file.  How can I crate one
> with these settings?  So far I have the default mouseemu setting for my
> modifiers.
Then you deleted it. The package has a /etc/default/mouseemu.
Try this one:

# Defaults for mouseemu initscript (/etc/init.d/mouseemu)
# This is a POSIX shell fragment

MID_CLICK="-middle 125 272"       # Opt key (right of space) + Click
RIGHT_CLICK="-right 96 272"       # Enter (right of opt key) + Click
#SCROLL="-scroll 56"              # Alt
#TYPING_BLOCK="-typing-block 300" # block mouse for 300ms after a keypress

What does "bash -e -x /etc/init.d/mouseemu start" say?
 -- Guido

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