According to Rob Weir, on Tue, 29 Jun 2004 13:08:02 +1000, >[please don't take questions off-list]
Sorry for that. > >On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 10:28:06AM +0200, Cedric Pradalier said >> According to Rob Weir, on Sun, 27 Jun 2004 17:49:57 +1000, >> >On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 11:08:07AM +0200, Cedric Pradalier said >> >> Does anyone have some experience in using the MA111 in an hotspot >> >> network (such as (real) airports, bars...). >> > >> >I do. In fact, I'm not sure what I did (my network/interfaces just >> >tells it to use DHCP on wlan0), but my ibook jumped onto a network >> >before I even finished sitting down in a wirelessified cafe here. >> > >> >> Would you mind sending me your /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/wlan and >> maybe the script you use with wlanctl. I've read the howto sent on >> the list, but I'm quite a newbie concerning wireless. > >I just have > >iface wlan0 inet dhcp > >in my network interfaces and run "sudo wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate >ifstate=enable" and "sudo wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin >ssid='<ssid>' authtype=opensystem" manually. I didn't configure >anything in /etc/wlan/. > My problem is this ssid. Since I'm logging in an hotspot, I've no idea of this ID. I've read that all machine on a network should be on the same ssid. How can I just ask for the list of available networks ? -- Cedric "[Of course] I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king-a?!" Monty Python and the Holy Grail