According to [EMAIL PROTECTED], on Fri, 23 Apr 2004 23:56:52 +0200, 
>Gregory Seidman a écrit :
>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2004 at 10:37:34AM +0100, Dave Turner wrote:
>> [stuff about a USB storage device deleted]
>> Please reread the messages in this thread. It has nothing to do with
>USB> storage devices. I am asking for a HOWTO *specifically* about the
>> NetGear MA111, which is a USB 802.11 device.
>if  you're insterested, I've wroten a french/english  howto about the 
>MA111 usb-gadget installation...
>This howto has two parts** : first is in french (sorry, lost the
>english version), and the second in french and in english.
>You can find the french version on the above  websites :
>and  here :
>Of course, I can try to translate what you need. Maybe I can help you
>in private for this.
>FYI : it works with Linux (x86, powerpc, all under Debian sid) /Mac OS
>  (with or without MOL ;-) and with Windows
>eric bachard

Does anyone have some experience in using the MA111 in an hotspot
network (such as (real) airports, bars...). Shall I use dhcp in a
way similar to normal networks ? 

Is there some debianized user-friendly tools for setting up such
connection ?

Thanks for answers.


"[Of course] I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous 
accent, you silly king-a?!"  Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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