On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 15:28, Sébastien FRANÇOIS wrote: > Hi > Ok I finally got everything to work on sunday, and even managed to have the > overlay on the external screen (phew!), my config can work no matter if there > is an external screen or not, it'll automatically adjust to the appropriate > resolution (I tried four different monitors ranging from 12" to 17" and all > of them work immediately!!) > This is using M Daenzer Xfree dri trunk for sid patched with this > http://linuxuanl.org/~jpablo/stuff/ibook-screen/radeon-new.diff > > My configuration is here : > http://seb.france.free.fr/linux/ibookG4/XF86Config-4.dri-trunk-patched >
I have a powerbook g4, with Radeon Mobility 9000 M9, working with dri-trunk. Prsesently I can use only the lcd, and cant use lcd projectors or external monitors. will this patch help me to get this working. Is this a solution to get the crt displays work with radeon. Thanks in advance! -- Nagarjuna G. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> HBCSE, TIFR