Hello, I will need to use my video out plug to present an internship project next week (which was about porting a software for visual deficients to GNU/Linux and among other to the ppc architecture).
Thing is my video out no longer works, it used to, I swear :) if I set both UseFBDev to true, only the LCD screen is used and I have this : (WW) RADEON(0): No valid info for SCLK/MCLK for display bandwidth calculation. (WW) RADEON(0): Failed to detect secondary monitor, MergedFB/Clone mode disabled (WW) RADEON(0): Video BIOS not detected, using default PLL parameters! If I set the internal display's UseFBDev to true and the external to false, it works well (it used to be ugly colored until I switched back to Daenzer's dri trunk version), but I see two different desktops ! Let me know what is wrong please, I'll document it in details seb ___[ Pub ]____________________________________________________________ Inscrivez-vous gratuitement sur Tandaime, Le site de rencontres ! http://rencontre.rencontres.com/index.php?origine=4