El dom, 20-06-2004 a las 12:00, +0200, Jens Schmalzing escribió:
> Hi,
> Carlos Perelló Marín writes:
> > That's what I get with the prereleased .deb for kernel 2.6.7 but
> > just because it fails to create the initrd.img correctly, it looks
> > for /etc/ modconfig.conf or /lib/modules/modconfig.conf
> You mean modprobe.conf.  Those messages are harmless, and an initrd is
> created alright.

Hmmm, yes, perhaps it's modprobe.conf, I saw it yesterday, it's just I
don't remember it right.

> > and fails.
> That's due to a bug in modprobe.  Either downgrade module-init-tools
> to 3.0-pre10-4 or apply a patch from the BTS.

Ok, thank you.

> > The 2.6.6 from unstable works without problems here.
> Provided you don't re-generate your 2.6.6 initrd.

Yes, I was talking about an old 2.6.6 installation.
> Regards, Jens.


Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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