
Sean Schertell writes:

> I got the initrd line added to my yaboot.conf, so that 
> hurdle has been cleared. But now, a little further along 
> the boot process, comes this screen full of errors like:
> modprobe: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/something...
> (times about a hundred or so)
> then kernel panic :-(
> Any ideas?

You are being bitten by a bug in module-init-tools 3.1-pre2-1.  Revert
to 3.0-pre10-4 for the time being.

Regards, Jens.

J'qbpbe, le m'en fquz pe j'qbpbe!
Le veux aimeb et mqubib panz je pézqbpbe je djuz tqtaj!

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