On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 07:06:38PM +0200, Robert Jordens wrote:
> Hello!
> [Sat, 05 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote:
> > Robert, could you please add the code to generate the non pmac images
> > also ? You need :
> > 
> >   1) access to the vmlinux kernel (i suppose you get it from the
> >   kernel-image-2.6.6-powerpc, right ?).
> >   2) access to the initrd.
> >   3) access to /usr/lib/kernel-image-2.6.6-powerpc content.
> If I'm interpreting "access" correctly, then this is done. dfsbuild just
> takes a kernel-image package and unpacks it. Just feed it with another
> package.

I don't know how you build the stuff, but yes the above is a solution.
Furthermore, apart from the initrd, both the kernel and the needed files
will soon be available as .udeb, so you could add that to extract them
and build the initrd, in a way similar to what the debian-installer
does. Not sure if this approach would be usefull for you. The initrd is
normally generated at kernel-image installation time, but you are going
to generate it yourself. You just need to extract the correct set of

> >   4) install mkvmlinuz (from the unstable mkvmlinuz package).
> Your mean, dfsbuild should depend on mkvmlinux (for building the image), 
> right?


> >   5) mkvmlinuz -a chrp -o dfs_kernel-chrp -k 
> > /path/to/kernel/vmlinux-2.6.6-powerpc \
> >     -d /usr/lib/kernel-image-2.6.6-powerpc -i /path/to/initrd
> >   6) move dfs_kernel-chrp to the boot dir.
> > 
> > And voila, you have a booting chrp and chrp-rs6k kernel.
> > 
> > (Well, provided the initrd includes the necessary modules for it
> > naturally.).
> So something like:
>     run "mkvmlinuz" ["-v"; "-a"; "chrp";
>       "-o"; target ^ "/boot/" ^ (Filename.basename kern) ^ "-chrp";

Well, i have no idea what the naming scheme for this one would be, but
obviously you can chose whatever you like.

>       "-k"; kern;
>       "-d"; target ^ "/usr/lib/kernel-image-" ^ version;
>       "-i"; "/opt/dfsruntime/initrd.dfs"];


> should work, right? How is /usr/lib/kernel-image-version generated?

It is contained in the kernel-image, together with the modules and the
kernel, so you just get them at the same time. Eventually, you unpack
the kernel-imahe somewhere, and use it to get the kernel, to get the
modules while building the initrd, and to run mkvmlinuz on it.

> > Also, do you have also the sources of the modified powerpc packages ? 
> What packages? The kernel is the Debian kernel. The Config is on the image.

No, the dfsbuild packages modified to build the powerpc version, (the
source package of the -rj* versions) ?

> > And finally, i have 0.6.4-rj3, and it refuses to boot on my ibook,
> > either by using the c key or by launching yaboot from the OF. IT speaks
> > about MAC-PART or something such not finding a filesystem.
> I'm trying to fix that. Although I have no direct idea why this doesnt
> work. 
> [Mon, 07 Jun 2004] Sven Luther wrote:
> > Yeah, directly copied from your other mail. I had trouble finding the
> > back-/ at first, as it seems to be inexistant on french mac keyboards, ,
> > but then i noticed that the OF is in qwerty layout anyway :)
> So you'd say it's a problem with mkisofs options?

Maybe, not sure. I am just saying that Apple is damn stupid to do frnech
ibook keyboard without tilda, pipe or backslash (and i am probably
missing a few others). It may still be a mkisofs problem, but i don't
see how you could deduct that from the above three lines :)

> > Why not add those modules to the initrd and have it loaded, like the
> > mkinitrd generated initrd does ? Indeed it should even be possible to
> > use mkinitrd for this purpose, and add an own startup script or
> > something such. Not sure how mkinitrd would take to having ocaml
> > programs (or scripts) though, but i have the feeling that it should make
> > no difference.
> Yes. As I mentioned in another mail, I'd like to extend the initrd
> until we can use standard Debian kernels.

I think not much should be needed. A way to modprobe the modules with
some minimal hardware detection, and putting the modules that John would
builtin in the initrd.


Sven Luther

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