On Sat, Jun 05, 2004 at 01:23:35AM +0200, Robert Jordens wrote:
> Hello!
> John Goerzen and I have made Debian From Scratch (DFS) available for
> PowerPC machines. You would do us a big favour if you could test this
> first image and give suggestions. I only have my Powerbook G4 Alu 
> available as victim.
> Primary Location: <http://people.debian.org/~jgoerzen/dfs/>
> Temparary for PowerPC: <http://people.debian.org/~jordens/dfs/>
> md5sum:
> a8ed36bd6a06c411917df87404384de7  dfs-0.6.4.rj3_powerpc.iso (357M)
> It follows a general (still i386/amd64/alpha centric) description of
> DFS.

Downloading, i will make the adaptation for pegasos until monday or
tuesday. Not sure much need to be changed, just it should include the
kernels with builtin initrd for chrp-rs6k and prep, i guess not much is
needed. Well, and a link from the -chrp kernel to the -chrp-rs6k maybe.

And, please include partimage if it is not already, it is a very usefull
tool for backuping/restoring partitions. I plan to make a DVD-RW with
DFS and a partimage copy of my main partitions. Maybe even an
automated script to do the restore or such.


Sven Luther

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