According to Ed Sutherland, on Fri, 4 Jun 2004 02:37:01 +0000, 
>On Thursday 03 June 2004 18:40, Cedric Pradalier wrote:
>> According to Ed Sutherland, on Thu, 3 Jun 2004 17:27:16 +0000,
>> >I tried localhost:631 from Konqueror and Lynx...both no-go. Lynx
>> >reports "Unable to connect to remote host." Konqueror says "Error
>while> >loading "http://localhost:631";. How do I get past these errors?
>> There is some permission to set in /etc/cups.conf, in order to have
>Yes. I thought CUPS was already installed - the reason the errors threw
>me. I did 'apt-get install cupsys' and adding a printer became a simple
>On the subject of printing: which printing system provides me the most 
>flexibility? CUPS is the easiest to configure and use. The lpr option
>allowed me to set the output to greyscale (perfect since I mostly print
>text) and draftmode. Printing from the console allows me to specify
>page headers and other information. Is there a way to bring all those
>options into CUPS? Thanks.
You can install gtklp, a nice interface (a bit windows like) for
sending stuff to cups. qtcups is fine also.


"[Of course] I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous 
accent, you silly king-a?!"  Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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