On Tuesday 01 June 2004 1817, somebody named James Ricken inscribed this message: > Hi All I am sort of in a jam > I am trying to install debian on a Mac 8600 upgraded with a sonnet G4 > 400mhz proc card. > I am using the new Debian sarge installer.I got my hd partioned > Everything went well until the installer had trouble getting a internet > connection,so it could not install base debian. > I think I must have a corrupted cd because now I rebooted the Mac and > now all the installer is stuck at "retrieving ethodetect"
Have you tried reburning the cd? Sometimes the media can be flaky, which doesn't help much. If that isn't the problem, can you provide more details about where/how it hangs? I'm admittedly not awfully familiar with the sarge installer, but you should be able to run a shell (alt-F2, I think, alt-F1 to get back to the installer) and check the logs for interesting information. NRH -- Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. - Euripides