Hi Jim,

Whoever told I was a guru was lying ;-)

If I was you, and if nobody has any more useful advice, I would try 
downloading the full Sarge CDs, instead of the net install.  I think you only 
need the first 2. 

Anyone else got a better idea for this guy to get Debian installed?

BTW Jim, you may want to prepare yourself for a bit of a haul.  Once you get 
Debian installed, you'll still have to wrestle with X, and your mouse, and 
sound, etc.  One step at a time -- so be patient!  It'll be worth it in the 

Finally, an unrelated tip: If I remember right, the installer will ask you to 
select which packages you want to install using dpkg and something else -- 
don't bother with them except for apt-get.  Once you're done, you can just 
apt-get whatever you want.


On Wednesday 02 June 2004 07:17 am, James Ricken wrote:
> Hi All  I am sort of in a jam
> I am trying to install debian  on a Mac 8600 upgraded with a sonnet G4
> 400mhz proc card.
> I am using the new Debian sarge installer.I got my hd partioned
> Everything went well until the installer had trouble getting a internet
> connection,so it could not install base debian.
> I think I must have a corrupted cd because now I rebooted the Mac and
> now all the installer is stuck at "retrieving ethodetect"
> Jim

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