Same problem as before... :( But this time I was using the
pbbuttonsd 0.5.10-1 package.

To summarize, the battery of my PowerBook G4 got too low and the machine
was put into sleep. I closed the lid, changed the battery, but when
I reopened the lid, I noticed that the PowerBook was in fact off. And
when I switched it on, the clock was set back to 1904-01-01. Here's a
/var/log/syslog excerpt:

Apr 12 20:31:51 ay pwrctl-local: sleep battery
Jan  1 00:15:29 ay syslogd 1.4.1#10: restart (remote reception).

The default threshold (why isn't it configurable?) should be changed
until a more reliable way is used.

I've done some tests with the second battery, and I noticed that the
remaining time could dramatically decrease when activity changes. For
instance, in a few seconds, for /proc/pmu/battery_0, I came from:

flags      : 00000001
charge     : 902
max_charge : 2232
current    : -799
voltage    : 14383
time rem.  : 4064


flags      : 00000001
charge     : 896
max_charge : 2232
current    : -1078
voltage    : 14398
time rem.  : 2992

and a bit later:

flags      : 00000001
charge     : 868
max_charge : 2232
current    : -759
voltage    : 14524
time rem.  : 4116

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100% validated (X)HTML - Acorn / RISC OS / ARM, free software, YP17,
Championnat International des Jeux Mathématiques et Logiques, etc.
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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