On Thursday 01 April 2004 0836, somebody named Martin-Éric Racine inscribed 
this message:
> On Thu, 1 Apr 2004, Dave Turner wrote:
> > It has been hard work but I now have a Rev A iMac dual-booting MacOS9
> > and Debian 3.0r2. I am using the 2.4.18-newpmac kernel. I have not
> > installed X windows. I have searched the mail archives and read many
> > emails, some helped (which is why I have a working system), and some
> > went right over my head...
> >
> > The current list of problems is:-
> >
> > 1) CTRL-ALT-DEL causes system reboot. I have to type "shutdown -h
> > now".
> man inittab
> > How do I setup X windows so that I can type "startx" or "initx" at the
> > prompt? I do NOT want X starting automatically.
> Just avoid installing GDM/KDM/XDM.

Or boot into runlevel 2.  'man inittab' again. :^)

> > 5) Should I be using a later 2.4 or 2.6 kernel? I have no signs of the
> > display problems reported by other CRT iMac users.
> The 2.4 kernels are just fine.  Here, I use a 2.6 kernel on an iMac CRT
> rev.D. You would need the module-init-tools and other 2.6 goodies from
> Sarge to use it though.  If that's not a problem for you, try the kernel
> at:
> http://funkyware.konflux.at/

If it is a problem for some reason, I'm sure Sven wouldn't mind you using 
and reporting on his 2.4 packages. :^)  


You probably want the powerpc-pmac packages.

They laughed at Einstein.  They laughed at the Wright Brothers.  But they 
also laughed at Bozo the Clown.  - Carl Sagan

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