Bob Hentges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scriveva:
>> recently I tried to install debian on an iMac 17'' (flat screen) and
>> I found a lot of trouble (modem, some keys, video card): can you tell
>> me where I could find some informations?
> I for myself have tried to install Debian on my 17'' iMac. I must say
> that the new beta 2 installer worked very well. But as well as you, I
> got some problems to get x to run.
> Here [1] is a working config file for the X Server. It might however not 
> be written in a very "nice" way.


> I have never tested the modem so far, as it isn't of any importance
> for me.
> If you would provide us with a little bit of information regarding the
> "some keys" that are not working, we could have a deeper look into it.

For example the key to increase the volume gives to showkey not only one
code but a lot and so the same key does not work.

> Also would it be very interesting to get to know which imac you own.
> the one with 1 ghz g4, or the one with the 1.25 ghz g4.

The 800 mhz g4.

> ( CC as I don't know wether you are subscribed or not )

This and the one before are not real addresses, they are anonymous
remailer addressess.

Lei è come tutti i dilettanti: le importa far qualcosa piuttosto che
qualcosa sia fatto.
(Goethe - Le affinità elettive)

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