
El mar, 03-02-2004 a las 08:05, clemens kurtenbach escribió:
> Hi,
> is there a way to use a usb-flash-drive on ibook and x86.

Sure you can (I am using one of this in my PowerBook).
The only thing you need to have is vfat support in your kernel, because
these little things como preformated in vfat.
In you x86 linux you have already vfat support compiled in.
You can check that, simple, mount in your x86 linux your stick and
execute the mount command, it will show you that the stick filesytem is

> I got my stick mounted under x86/kernel2.6 as /dev/sda1
> When i now want to mount it on the ibook, i have to use
> fdisk and initialize a new partition map like this:
> dump: name /dev/sda len 8
> /dev/sda1     Apple_partition_map Apple                   63 @ 1       ( 
> 31.5k)  Partition map
> /dev/sda2              Apple_Free Extra               128960 @ 64      ( 
> 63.0M)  Free space
> After that i can mount the stick on my ibook as _/dev/sda2_
> Back on x86, sda1 and sda2 are no valid block devices,
> so i can't mount the stick anymore.
> Is there a solution for this ?
> greets,
> clee
> -- 
> moqua [at] gmx.net
> moqua [at] kurtenba.ch
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