El mar, 03-02-2004 a las 14:17, clemens kurtenbach escribió:
> Hi,
> Philipp Kaeser wrote:
> > I am using a flash-drive ('usb-stick') on my ibook
> > and x86 pc with linux, mac os x and windows xp
> > All operating systems will discover an 'ibm-pc'
> > partition (and if it is formatted in fat/vfat, all
> > OS can also read/write to it).
> > 
> > Under linux, you will need to have the msdos
> > partition type support compiled in; I do not know
> > if that is the case for the default kernel:
> All my kernel's do support this.
> > you can then use fdisk on x86 to create a partition
> > which should be accessible from everywhere.
> Hmm, this is what i did.
> Created under x86/linux one Partition (sda1),
> `mkdosfs /dev/sda1` and voila, i had access to it.
> As i wrote, on my ibook mounting sda1 doesn't work.
> I had to initialize a partition map and got it only mounted as sda2.

If you are using MSDOS partitions, then the problem is that you don't
have support for MSDOS partition map under your PPC Linux.

> Now i'm confused, because i can't delete the sda1 and sda2
> partition under my ibook ???
> Do you mount your stick on the ibook as sda1 or sda2 ?

If you have a MSDOS partiton (only one), sda1, if you are using Mac
partition map, sda2 (because Macs have the first partition as the table
with all partitions).


> greets,
> clee
> -- 
> moqua [at] gmx.net
> moqua [at] kurtenba.ch
Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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