Em Seg, 2004-01-26 às 00:41, Dean Takemori escreveu:
> I'm currently trying to get LVM working on another Linux/PowerPC distro
> (YellowDog) with limited success.
> I'll try recompiling the lvm package against my current kernel and
> investigate further.  Was there anything else special you needed to do 
> to get LVM working on Debian/PPC?

        In my experience the quality and consistency of Debian packages bests
any other distro, and even bests compiling your own stuff.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo
Governo Eletrônico, Telecentros                  +55 (11) 5080 9647
http://br.geocities.com./lgcdutra/               +55 (11) 5080 9648

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