> >> > You didn't answer my implied question: do you need to keep the
> >> > Apple partition format, (f.e. because you need to keep MacOS on the
> >> > machine)?
> >>
> >>    Yes, it is a beige Apple Power Macintosh G3 which does need
> >>    BootX.
> There is no problem at all keeping the Apple partition format for LVM. I

Thanks for reporting this; and please disregard my rants about LVM

> don't know why you had trouble, but it did work perfectly well for me.
> Here is my setup:

> /dev/hda1     Apple_partition_map Apple                    63 @ 1        ( 
> 31.5k)  Partition map
> /dev/hda2         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 tmp                  204800 @ 64       
> (100.0M)  Linux native
> /dev/hda3         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap                 204800 @ 204864   
> (100.0M)  Linux swap
> /dev/hda4         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 usr                 4194304 @ 409664   (  
> 2.0G)  Linux native
> /dev/hda5         Apple_UNIX_SVR2 LVM-vg             14630752 @ 4603968  (  
> 7.0G)  Linux native
> /dev/hda6               Apple_HFS MOL-System           512000 @ 19234720 
> (250.0M)  HFS

Does LVM accept any partition name, or does it have to be LVM-something ??


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