El jue, 22-01-2004 a las 21:01, Jamie Wilkinson escribió:
> This one time, at band camp, Federico Gamio wrote:
> >El mar, 20-01-2004 a las 20:29, Jamie Wilkinson escribi??:
> >> This one time, at band camp, Federico Gamio wrote:
> >> >Check a new version of lmud
> >> >http://isadora.homelinux.net/lmud/lmud-0.02-fg-pmu.tar.gz
> >> >
> >> >Now if you are on batts it dims the lcd to save power.
> >> 
> >> You can do that already with /etc/power/pwrctl-local and fblevel.
> >
> >Sure, but when you are controlling the lcd bright based in the amount of
> >light, I don't see how can use this method without conflicts.
> Huh? How do you adjust the lcd brightness based on the amount of light?

Well, PowerBooks with keyboard backlight, have 2 light sensors (one in
each side, near the speakers), so you can sense the amount of light.
With these information, you can adjust keyboard backlight intensity and
LCD bright dinamically. For example, right now, I am in my bedroom with
no lights, so the keyboard backlight is at maximun level and LCD bright
is at level 3 :)

> I use something like this:
> if powerlevel high:
>   fblevel 15
> if powerlevel medium:
>   fblevel 10
> if powerlevel low:
>   fblevel 4
> Adjust to taste.  What conflicts are you talking about?

The program checks every 0.4 seconds and adjust LCD level automatically

> -- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               http://people.debian.org/~jaq
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